As we consummate consumers of vast, varying arrays of beauty products are acutely aware, many times you can read a review, get a recommendation - even see something someone else is wearing - and think "I NEED that! (...immediately - if not, sooner!)", only to get home, crack it open, put it on (in the harsh daylight) and need some post-traumatic stress counselling.
Whatever it was that you just spent your month's disposable income on (with the to-die-for packaging) is actually a piece of crap - and WHAT do you do with it now because it's been 'used'?!? (..besides sit and watch that feeling of euphoria (that is almost better than the perfect product) go hurtling toward the dumpster where it would soon be followed by the offending 'beauty' product...)
If you are into bronzers, I am here to guide you (actually, my BFF is here to guide me to guide you - aficionado, arbiter, authority, devotee, specialist are terms not sufficient to describe her 'skill'...).
DuWop Revolotion is the product you've waiting for your whole life (I am not overstating this). It is a bronzer, moisturiser and SPF all in one. All I can say in regard to this product, is - refer to the title of this post.
I must warn you though, before you become completely enamoured with this miracle -to add to its extreme allure, procuring a tube can be one of the most arduous journeys you'll ever make in your personal beauty regime career - BECAUSE - it's not just a matter of getting a tube of DuWop Revolotion.
There are 2 different colours.
One makes you look how you look in your dreams when you are wearing a Herve Leger bandage dress and Louboutins toying with David Beckham/Pharrell Williams/George Clooney/Ashton Kutcher's emotions (nooo..... remember? Rob Patterson does NOT dig the bronzed effect...). Aaaand, THE OTHER?
Well, it makes you look as though you've been spat out of a community-college pottery-turning class (and Patrick Swayze REALLY ain't coming to your assistance, either...).
Trust me on this - you MUST only purchase the 'deep' colour of this product. You do NOT want the 'medium' colour.
That said, hop onto http://www.sephora.com/ , dedicate your life to checking religiously when the 'deep' stock is in and get in line - I just may see you there...
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